Figure S1 Krona chart, showing the different virus lineages included in the VOGs.
Figure S2 Mean pairwise sequence identity of VOG alignments as a function of VOG size.
Figure S3 Sequence Alignment of a protein from Heliothis virescens ascovirus 3e and proteins belonging to the mRNAs of subVOG 64 of VOG00003.
Table S1 Clustering of GO terms of subVOG proteins and the average structural coverage of their corresponding mRNAs. Only manually and experimentally annotated GO terms are shown. Colors describe the average structure conservation of the mRNAs of a REVIGO cluster in three categories: red - high structure conservation of more than 20%, orange - medium structure conservation between 10% and 20% , green - low structure conservation below 10%.
Table S2 Clustering of GO terms of subVOG proteins and the average structural coverage of their corresponding mRNAs. GO terms with all evidence codes are shown. Colors describe the average structure conservation of the mRNAs of a REVIGO cluster in three categories: red - high structure conservation of more than 20%, orange - medium structure conservation between 10% and 20%, green - low structure conservation below 10%.